4 Quotes & Sayings By Philip Connors

Dr. Philip Connors is an internationally recognized trauma and grief expert, and bestselling author of The Grief Recovery Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide for Moving Through Grief and Healing. He has written fourteen books and is a frequent guest on national radio and television shows. Dr Read more

Connors is the founder and director of The Center for Loss and Life Transition in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, which offers grief counseling to adults, families, and children.

Viewed from a different angle, my uncle's words offered up the rest of my life as an unexpected gift, an opportunity for the most radical improvisation. I could be whatever I wanted to be, as long as I didn't end up another corpse in the casket with a hole in his head. Anything went. Anything was permissible, as long as I lived. Philip Connors
The greatest gift of life on the mountain is time. Time to think or not think, read or not read, scribble or not scribble -- to sleep and cook and walk in the woods, to sit and stare at the shapes of the hills. I produce nothing but words; I consumer nothing but food, a little propane, a little firewood. By being utterly useless in the calculations of the culture at large I become useful, at last, to myself. . Philip Connors
That thing some people call boredom, in the correct if elusive dosage, can be a form of inoculation against itself. Once you struffle through that swamp of monotony where time bogs down in excruciating ticks from your wristwatch, it becomes possible to break through to a state of equilibrium, to reach a kind of waiting and watching that verges on what I can only call the holy. Philip Connors